Obesity in childhood is formed before a five-year-old child. Ditahun condition compared with the 1980s, the children are more obese. Most of them were overweight before school age. Therefore, the prevention of obesity should begin before children enter school.
EarlyBird Diabetes Study of 233 newborn child until the age of puberty is published in the journal Pediatrics shows, one of four children aged 4-5 years in England are overweight. At birth, the children in the study had the same weight with the average baby 25 years ago.
They grow fat when entering puberty than children with same age in the 1980s. The experts noted, before a fat girl who enters school age, he has gained 90 percent of excess weight, and boys 70 percent of excess weight.
Leadership research, Prof.. Terry Wilkin of the Peninsula Medical School, Plymouth, stated, "When they reach the age of five years, kepurusan to control the rate of weight loss should have been taken."
Only, the cause of obesity is still very hard to identify. Said prof. Wilkin, there are factors that must menbuat children become more obese now, that does not exist at the time 25 years ago.
Age children were still very young indicates that obesity is terjdi from home, rather than from the school environment. This also means related to parenting school education than
He believes this diet was to blame. It is possible that the density of calories from food and portion sizes bigger now.
Prof. Wilkin said the strategy to prevent obesity in childhood and its relationship with health problems, such as diabetes, better focus on preschool children. "Rather than focus on school meals, watch television, school activities, and playing games," he said.
However, added, a mandatory measure of height and weight all children in England at the age of school entry (4-5 years) can help. Not only record the national obesity trend, but as a guide for the individual child's risk in the future.
Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer for England, said, "We need to build the foundation for healthy living from a very early age."
"It's never too late. Obesity is one of a number of problems that can medisserius restored to its original state very quickly, "he added.
Meanwhile, David Haslam, of the National Obesity Forum insisted, "obesity in children tend to occur because the environment and learned behavior."
Therefore, since early give a good example to the children about a healthy balanced diet. dee
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