Mood depression is often experienced by patients suffering from a chronic disease, particularly cancer. Given that the psychological condition of the problem only experienced by most cancer patients are depressed. Ever reported incidence of depression in patients with breast ca by 60%. The prevalence of depression has increased in line with the progression of the disease and symptoms.
A survey ever conducted suggests that the patient had cancer and oncologists believe depression mood can affect the progression of cancer. But there is no valid evidence to that effect. A meta-analysis study that will be submitted latest below evaluate the extent of symptoms and disorders affecting the progression of major depression and life expectancy of cancer patients. Summarized the following:
Study: (Satin. Jillian R, Linden. W, Phillips, Melanie J)
Method: The study meta-analysis
Primary Objectives: assess the impact of depression (including depressive disorders and depressive symptoms) to the progression and mortality of cancer patients.
Found 5 article (n = 2097) that assess the impact of depression on cancer recurrence (publications between 1992 - 2008)
Risk Ratio symptoms of depression to cancer progression of 1.23 (95% Confidence Interval [CI], 0.85 to 1.77, p = 0.275).
* Found 27 observational studies (n = 9417) that assess the impact of depression on mortality (publications between the years 1990 to 2009). Type of cancer: breast ca, lung ca, ca brain, melanoma, malignant hematology, and so on.
* Risk ratio of increase in depression symptoms mortality of 1.25 (95% CI, 1.12 to 1.40, p <0.01).
* Risk ratio of minor depression / major of the increased mortality of 1.39 (95% CI, 1.10 to 1.89, p = 0.03).
* The impact of depression on mortality seen in the research - research with the monitoring time for 5 years or less (p = 0.001) and in the 5 years (p = 0.024).
* After adjusting for other prognosis factors, depression was still significantly increased mortality prognosis factor.
Depression is a predictor of mortality, but not progression, of cancer patients. The relationship was statistically significant but relatively small magnitude. The impact of depression on mortality still seen after adjustment, thus indicating a causal role of depression.
Cancer and Mood Depression
Mechanism psychophysiology of depression with cancer journey disregulasi axis includes the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal, especially the diurnal variation of cortisol and melatonin. Depression conditions also affect the immune components that can affect life expectancy. In addition, the state of depression also adversely affect patient compliance with medication.
An animal study showed the onset of symptoms / behavioral depression / anxiety in mice with mammary ca. An increase in cytokine production in the hippocampus and proinflamasi which induces symptoms of peripheral / depressive behavior. Corticosterone levels, which inhibit the cytokine signal delivery, having suppression.
State of depression, either because the tumor directly and psychological impact, it is often the case and needed separate attention, either by the family and clinicians. In addition to an adverse impact on quality of life, compliance with therapy, was from a meta-analysis of studies on depression negatively impact a patient's life expectancy (although the impact is relatively small).
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