In developing countries like Indonesia, cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths. In the world, every two minutes a woman dies of cervical cancer. So, no longer look at the threat of this disease in one eye. Here are 13 things you must know about cervical cancer.
1. What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cervical region. That is, part of the uterus that lies at the bottom, which opens to the vagina. Starting from the cervix, if it has entered an advanced stage, this cancer can spread to other organs throughout the body.
2. How dangerous this disease?
World Health Organization (WHO) stated, the current cervical cancer ranked top among the various types of cancer that causes death in women in the world. In Indonesia, every year more than 15,000 detected cases of cervical cancer, and approximately 8000 of these cases end in death. According to WHO, Indonesia is a country with the number of cervical cancer patients the highest in the world. Why be so dangerous? The reason, cervical cancer appears as an enemy in a blanket. It was difficult to detect until the disease has reached an advanced stage.
3. What causes it?
Cervical cancer caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). This virus has more than 100 types, where most of them are harmless and will disappear by itself. HPV virus types that cause cervical cancer and the most fatal consequence is the HPV virus types 16 and 18. However, other than caused by the HPV virus, abnormal cells on the cervix can also grow due to exposure to radiation or chemical pollution that occurred in the long term.
4. How transmission?
HPV transmission can occur through sexual relations, mainly to do with changing partners. This virus transmission can occur either by transmission through genital to genital, oral to genital, or manually to the genital. Therefore, the use of condoms during intercourse is not too powerful to prevent transmission of HPV virus. Because, not only transmitted through the fluid, the virus can move through the touch of skin.
5. What are the symptoms?
In the early stages, this disease does not cause symptoms are easily observed. That's why, you are sexually active are highly recommended to do a pap smear test every two years. Physical symptoms of this disease is generally only experienced by advanced stage cancer patients. Namely, the emergence of pain and bleeding during sexual intercourse (contact bleeding), excessive discharge and abnormal bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, and the drastic weight loss. If the cancer has spread to the pelvis, the patient will suffer from back pain complaints, difficulties in urination, and kidney enlargement.
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