When the liver is not healthy, rapid detox, and could not be more toxins circulating throughout the body via the blood.
Can be called 'lucky we do not know' that humans live surrounded by a toxin (poison)? If know of course people will fear the move, go, socializing, and eating. But, of course more profitable to know that there are toxins everywhere. The more known, people will increasingly be wise to maintain the body and life.
This explanation. At present people living in an age of instant and full of all pollution. Because all instant, too much food is preserved. Pollution is everywhere. Like it or not, people living with toxins. Toxic substances in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.
Directly or not, we put fertilizer into our bodies through food, chemicals, and additional materials such as dyes in foods and preservatives. Then, air pollution from cigarette smoke, vehicle emissions, pesticides, and industrial pollutants into our bodies.
It poisons all should be issued by the body. Not to mention the toxins from the body itself.
The body naturally remove toxins through the liver (liver) with the detoxification, or can be known as detox.
A healthy liver to detox with two mechanisms, called Phase I and Phase II. In phase I, the enzymes in the body move toxins substances to be more easily processed in phase II. In this phase II enzymes, there are more other enzymes that modify racunp-poison into a form that is more easily dissolved by water. Our bodies will then throw it through the urine, or feces.
While an unhealthy liver can not detoxify fast undertaken by a healthy liver. Predictably, when the process is slower detox the liver, an unfinished work to detox, it has been given the 'attack' toxins that must be detoxified. As a result, many more toxins circulating throughout the body via the blood.
Some toxins There can not be changed or will change only slightly removed from the body is difficult because of escape from the liver. Eventually the poisons hiding in fatty tissue, the brain and nervous system cells. Toxins stored it will slowly go donate blood flow and chronic diseases. For example, liver illness that can lead to hepatitis, and the more chronic the cirrhosis (liver cancer).
One way to recognize the early symptoms that the work function of the liver detox is troubled because many toxins that can not be processed and settled body is easily tired, being tired, dull skin, and easily fall ill. And, do not ignore if you experience the following symptoms (as expressed by the American Liver Foundation) that would be a clue that liver disease is more serious.
Change the color of skin or eyes become yellow.
Abdominal swelling, or severe pain in the abdomen.
Itching of the skin with prolonged.
Color is very dark urine or pale-colored stool
Chronic fatigue, nausea or loss of appetite. Immediately went to the doctor.
for it is better known earlier than late.
Healthy food
Because all the food and drink that enters the body through the liver must be aware of the nutrients properly to maintain heart health. Healthy and consumption of nutritious foods in proportion. Reduce the amount of fried food is very oily and greasy. Doctors believe the risk of gallbladder disease (including gallstones, a disease associated with liver) can be reduced by avoiding foods high in fat and cholesterol.
If you have positive liver disease, reduce the consumption of smoked foods, preserved, and salty. First taste your food before you add salt. As a substitute you can add to your cooking with lemon, garlic, onion, pepper, cloves, and fragrances leaves cooking.
Desserts, snacks, and various beverages high in calories because of the number of pemanisnya. Better to be replaced with fruit.
Maintain ideal body weight approach. Medical researchers establish a direct correlation between obesity (overweight) with gall disease development. Those who are overweight or have diabetes (diabetes) will be high risk potential for serious liver disease called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
And, do not forget to exercise regularly, two or three times per week, to help keep the heart healthy.
Natural efficacy
Not many people realize how important the liver as an organ that detoxify. If jatung sick, new to the doctor.
There are also health conscious heart and find a way to detox treatment. Maybe you've seen in shopping malls or places a person who practices offer detox to pay some dollars.
Instead of taking action that does not know the side effects and results, it is better to consult a doctor came. There is one way to help optimize the function of the liver with a safe workplace, ie with natural ingredients.
Since the first of our society usually wear efficacy of ginger for the treatment of the liver. If you have used herbal xantorrhizae Latin name Curcuma rhizoma was grated, then squeezed to get juice and drink for medicinal purposes. Now with the technology of ginger juice and extracts made in modern packaged in tablet form of ginger extract useful as an anti hepatotoksik and repairing liver cells.
These herbs together with Letichin (Phosphotidylcholine), and vitamin E produced optimize the function of liver function as an organ of detoxification.
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