Generally, the content of the nutrient that was gotten in every time cooked bananas were as follows: calorie 99, protein 1,2 gram, fat 0,2 gram, the carbohydrate 25,8 milligram (mg), fibre 0,7 gram, calcium 8 gram.fosfor 28 mg, the iron 0,5 mg, vitamin A 44 RE, vitamin B 0,008 mg, vitamin C 3 mg and water 72 gram.
The content bananas a large number of, consisted of the mineral, vitamins, the carbohydrate, fibre, protein, fat, et cetera so as if the person only consumed bananas has been fulfilled miniral his nutrient. Choose quality bananas good, chose bananas that have been ripe .yang his skin was green yellowish in a spotty manner chocolate or yellow, this reason will be easy to be digested, and sugar was changed into natural glucose quickly diabsorbsi in the circulation of blood.
The source of the strength of the PowerBananas could be easily digested, sugar that was gotten in this was changed into the source of the good power quickly, and that was good in the formation of the body, for the work of the muscle, and very good to eliminate the tired feeling.
The benefit for the mother was pregnant Bananas were also suggested to consume the women was pregnant because of containing acid folat,yang was easy to be absorbed by the embryo through the uterus, but don't be too excessive, because of one banana contained around 85-100 calorie.
The benefit for the sufferer anaemia, Two bananas that were eaten by the anaemia patient every day have been enough, because of containing Fe (iron) high.
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